Submissions | Mother, Player
Mother, Player
Mother, Player

by Angela Washko

Mother, Player

by Angela Washko


United States of America


Visual Novel, Narrative


PC, Mac

Mother, Player is an experimental narrative video game featuring pregnancy and early parenthood stories from artists during the global pandemic. A series of interactive vignettes written in dialogue with artist parents, the video game presents complex stories of maternity experiences during lockdown with a focus on the distinctive challenges and poignant moments that artist caregivers to young children have faced during this time. The game additionally addresses the lack of multi-dimensional pregnancy and early parenthood stories in video games—something that the artist herself became sensitive to and critical of after becoming pregnant, giving birth, and taking care of a newborn during this isolated and uncertain time. All of the interfaces, animations, fonts, buttons, dialogue boxes, and icons have been hand drawn and animated by the artist, as part of a commitment to building a poetic, soft, labor-intensive, and complex game-world reflective of the childcare experiences she and the other artist parents featured in the project have had during the pandemic.
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